Creatuity Commerce Insights
Over the past 14 years, we’ve delivered over 400 Magento development, optimization and implementation projects for businesses just like yours. Here we share some of the insights we’ve learned over the years, and highlight emerging trends we are keeping an eye on as we strive towards 500 completed projects.
Adobe Commerce Cloud Starter to Pro Migration
When you’ve completed hundreds of Magento-based projects, you end up with experiences that no one else has - for instance, the time we migrated a client from Magento Commerce Cloud Starter to Magento Commerce Cloud Pro. Our Dev Team Lead, Tomasz Szmyt, who served as senior Magento developer on this project, is back with the details of this successful migration.
The case of the disappearing code
Today we’re sharing a narrative from our Dev Team Leader, Tomasz Szmyt, of one such unexpected event that happened a couple of years ago. In a departure from our usual content, this story is really focused on the developers in our audience - see if you can guess what happened before you get to the “How did all the code disappear?” section. It’s a great example of an extreme edge case that it takes years of experience and work on hundreds of Magento projects to discover and then learn from.
Amazon's 'Just Walk Out' Tech for Retailers
Amazon’s “Just Walk Out” technology is interesting - but is Amazon the company the retail industry wants to see implementing this? Where are the alternatives that allow retailers to keep their data on their own servers?
Advanced Inventory Management for Distributors
With the release of Magento’s multi-source inventory (MSI), Magento merchants can now track inventory in all relevant sources. This allows the merchant to offer in-store-pick-up (ISPU) plus, provide real-time visibility into what is available at each location.